The website focuses on automating the process of creating questionnaires for research, particularly in the social science domain. Instead of manually crafting each questionnaire for new research, the platform uses a templating system to generate them. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures consistency across various studies.
The cornerstone of this automation is the utilization of CSV files to define questionnaires. The CSV format is a universally recognized data representation, making it both accessible and easy to use. By using CSV as the defining structure, researchers can lay out their questions, answer options, and other related parameters in a structured manner.
Another technological highlight is the platform's ability to support "Random Question Sets." This feature ensures that, while the base questions remain consistent, there's an element of variability introduced, making the questionnaire dynamic and adaptable to different research needs.
To use the website:
- Define your questionnaire in a CSV format. This involves listing out your questions, potential answers, and any other relevant details.
- If you wish to introduce variability, leverage the "Random Question Set" feature. This allows certain questions to be randomly selected from a pre-defined pool, introducing an element of unpredictability in the questionnaire.
- Once defined, the platform will use the templating system to generate HTML files for the questionnaire, ready to be deployed or integrated into web platforms.
See more usage details on GitHub: Questionnaire-Website Repository.
The demo website SocWebresearch